The 80's Dance Fitness class
Low impact, high sweat, dance fitness to school disco smash hits. Simple, hilarious routines to the best bangers from late 70s to mid 90s.
Join hundreds of women every week getting fit and happy at Mum-Dance and everyone is going the wrong way!
From The Founder
After I had my kids I wanted to go to a fun and effective dance fitness class. Inspired by Fame, Flashdance, Mr Motivator and Mad Lizzie, I started the first class with 4 women.
Now we have classes all over the UK and Gibraltar because I'm on a mission to give women a non-judgy fitness they can love.
Come to Mum-Dance where fitness feels like a girls' night out. You don't have to be a mum and you defo don't have to be a dancer! Love the skin you're in and get YOU back.
what to expect

Banger Routines include...

mum-dancers true stories
enter the time machine
get you back
If you have been out of fitness for a while, it's never too late to go back to the future and turn back time
4,000 - 6,000 steps guarantee

This weeks playlist in classes everywhere